Monday 15 September 2014

Important Dates and Homework!!

We've had a busy couple of weeks!  Students have been working on math with large numbers.  They have been comparing and ordering, using word/expanded/standard forms for writing numbers.  We've also reviewed addition and subtraction strategies.  Today, we started looking at multiplication strategies for large numbers - tradition algorithm and lattice (I'm going to try to post links to YouTube videos where you will be able to see them demonstrated).  In writing, we have been focusing on the writing process and using strong adjectives.  In science, we have begun our learning about space.  Students are working in pairs or threes to research a planet or other space related topic to create a fact sheet.

Upcoming Dates:
* Curriculum night tomorrow!
* Terry Fox walk - next Wednesday, pledge forms will come home this week.

* Practice 3 and 4 times tables
* Read for 20 - 30 mins per day - This is very important!!
* Look at the YouTube videos to review strategies for traditional algorithm and lattice multiplying

Thanks for your patience while I learn how to blog!

Leigh Salter

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