Thursday 5 February 2015

Feb 5 - Update!

We are just launching into our next units for both science and math.  In science, we are moving on to electricity.  Students have been given a project (to be completed at school) that looks at different methods for electricity generation, including their environmental effects (i.e., hydro, geothermal, natural gas, coal, nuclear, tidal, solar, wind, biofuels, etc.).  In math, we are just about to cap off our unit on fractions, ratios and percentages and move on to decimals (comparing/ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).  

In visual art, students created an art piece to illustrate a word that was inspired by a picture book that we read.  Once they are completed and up, I'll post a picture!  They've been very creative in their illustration of the words that were chosen.

Our inquiry question for the next little bit is "What is Power?"  

Upcoming dates:
Feb 10:  Gr. 6 Girls Volleyball tournament 
Feb 11:  We will be walking up to Ted Reeve to watch the "A" hockey team in action.  Please make 
         sure that your child has a lunch at school that day, as we will be leaving during the lunch hour.
Feb 12:  Junior Super Swim Meet all afternoon at the Glen Ames Pool
Feb 12/13:  Parent/Teacher interviews, as requested.
Feb 13:  PA Day for interviews 
Feb 16:  Family Day
Feb 26:  Dance-a-thon