Tuesday 4 November 2014

Science Centre Trip was a HUGE Success!

What a day!!  We had an amazing day at the Ontario Science Centre today in their Challenger Space Centre.  Students were highly engaged in the simulation to start a lunar habitat on the Moon.  The even had to navigate their way through disaster scenarios.  One group had issues with the humidity in the spacecraft being too low, the second group was hit by a Coronal Mass Eruption from the Sun that knocked out all communication (except 1 headset and 1 camera without sound).  Students successfully worked together as a team to sort out what to do and managed to land on the Moon in the knick of time.  Many thanks to Gwen, Lisa and Tiffany who came along with us for the day!

Interviews:  Next Tuesday progress reports are coming come, with student-led interviews being held Thursday evening and Friday morning.  If you are unable to meet at those times, please let me know via email and we can schedule another mutually convenient time.  My email is leigh.salter@tdsb.on.ca

We're finishing off space and jumping into social studies.  Our social studies unit will focus on Canada's role in the world community.  In math, we're going to continue on with Patterning and next we start geometry (angles, shapes).

Happy November!!

Leigh Salter