Wednesday, 27 May 2015


It is a tradition at Williamson Road Public School that the grade 5 parents host the grade 6 graduation. As members of the Grade 5 Parent Graduation Committee, we are requesting your support of this event.
Following the June 19th graduation ceremony and reception, there is a celebration dance for the graduates at the Beaches Recreation Centre.
Parent Council has generously set aside a budget for the Committee’s use, but after stretching the budget for necessities like food/drink, stage rental and DJ, and we find it necessary to reach out for donations.
In order to make this a successful event, we want to ensure the students enjoy themselves and actually get up and dance! There is so much more motivation to get dancing when there is a prize at stake!

In that spirit, we are making a call out for small donations from the Grade 6 parents. Items to consider would be gift cards or small items that you know would interest others your graduate’s age.
Items in the past that have been great hits are gift cards to Menchies/Starbucks/Tim Hortons ($20 buys 4 $5 cards). Any small items like wireless speakers for smart phones, etc would also be a great hit. 
Please consider making the effort and small financial contribution to making this a memorable time for your child and his/her peers.
Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Items can be dropped in the office - Please label!

Kind regards,

Grade 5 Parent Graduation Committee

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Photos needed for Grad Slideshow!

Good day!
The Grade 6 graduation is approaching quickly! As part of the ceremony there will be a fabulous slide show. It has proven in the past to be the most popular part of the day. Ms Davidson has kindly and generously taken this on.

There is a way that you are able to make this even more memorable for your child.
Ms Davidson is requesting that each student be represented in the show with a childhood photo. This is sure to pull on a heartstring or two!

Please submit your digital photos to at your earliest convenience, so that she may have maximum time to work on the show.

I thank you in advance for your attention to this submission,