Monday, 29 September 2014

Long Division anchor charts

Lattice Multiplication

Update - September 29, 2014

Happy Monday!  It's hard to believe that this is already the last Monday in September.  Also, we'll be starting extra help sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school, unless I have a meeting. Students are asked to bring questions or things that they'd like to work on. 

Here's what we're up to:  We've moved on to long division and will next be looking at order of operations (BEDMAS, as you may be familiar with the acronym).  Students will be introduced to how brackets are used in math, but we will not be covering exponents (they are not part of the grade 6 curriculum).

We will be wrapping up our first science projects with presentations of the information posters that students have created.  The projects have been largely completed in class, with some students choosing to print some pictures at home.

Please note that we have now started reading responses that will be due each week.  Students have been given both a notebook and a page that gives them the outline of what to include as well as a marking rubric.  Their responses should be between 3/4 and a full page long.  They are due Monday through Thursday, depending on the student.

We've been having some interesting discussions regarding Terry Fox and Malala, perseverance and resilience.  Our inquiry question, how can we learn from failure and what does it take to overcome challenges, has been rather timely.  In the context of space, we've also read some excepts from Chris Hadfield's "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth" to discuss some of the challenges that he overcame in his journey to become an astronaut and eventually commander of the International Space Station.  Looking forward, students will, as part of their homework package, be asked to interview a parent regarding a time that they didn't succeed, and what was learned from that valuable experience.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Monday Update!


Happy Monday!!

Our homework package this week included multiplication practice (yay!).  We're also launched into our cursive writing program.  Later in the year, we will be doing more cursive writing in class by submitting assignments that are in cursive.

For multiplication, we've gone over 2 different ways to multiply big numbers - traditional algorithm (the way that I learned in school with cross multiplying) and lattice.  Here are links to YouTube videos of each:

Traditional Algorithm:
Multiplication Lattice:

I'm going to work on putting up a section on the blog that I can post useful website to, but it's a work in progress to learn how!

Thank you for your patience while I figure all of this out!

Leigh Salter

Monday, 15 September 2014

Important Dates and Homework!!

We've had a busy couple of weeks!  Students have been working on math with large numbers.  They have been comparing and ordering, using word/expanded/standard forms for writing numbers.  We've also reviewed addition and subtraction strategies.  Today, we started looking at multiplication strategies for large numbers - tradition algorithm and lattice (I'm going to try to post links to YouTube videos where you will be able to see them demonstrated).  In writing, we have been focusing on the writing process and using strong adjectives.  In science, we have begun our learning about space.  Students are working in pairs or threes to research a planet or other space related topic to create a fact sheet.

Upcoming Dates:
* Curriculum night tomorrow!
* Terry Fox walk - next Wednesday, pledge forms will come home this week.

* Practice 3 and 4 times tables
* Read for 20 - 30 mins per day - This is very important!!
* Look at the YouTube videos to review strategies for traditional algorithm and lattice multiplying

Thanks for your patience while I learn how to blog!

Leigh Salter

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Welcome to Room 26!

Welcome to Room 26!

This year I will be using our blog to communicate homework, class activities and also useful resources to help parents (and students) to be connected to our classroom.  Each week, I will be adding a post that  will have homework, things we've been working on in class and any upcoming important dates.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

